Webinar: Treasury Aggregators | February 8

Webinar: Treasury Aggregators | February 8

Many treasury departments cope with high levels of complexity surrounding their bank data and payments. As companies grow, this complexity can quickly become too difficult to manage with portals and manual processes. This webinar will discuss how treasury aggregators (TA) address complexity by automating time-consuming tasks and supporting efficient and controlled operations. Additional topics will include the role of a treasury aggregator within the larger treasury technology landscape, factors affecting the future of treasury aggregators, and leading practices for successfully implementing a TA.

#287 – Bank Conversions: A Playbook for Success with Superior

#287 – Bank Conversions: A Playbook for Success with Superior

In this episode of the Treasury Update Podcast, Craig Jeffery discusses bank conversions with April Levin from Superior. They explore the impact on banks and their clients, covering assessment, cost considerations, and managing conversions. The conversation includes leading practices and crucial questions for commercial clients.

Webinar: Ready or Not: Your Clients’ Payments Are At Risk | January 31

Webinar: Ready or Not: Your Clients’ Payments Are At Risk | January 31

Maintaining adequate cash flow and protecting those flows from catastrophic risk are two thoughts that are constantly on the minds of treasury and finance professionals. While there are myriad risks in the world of cash management, an increasingly frequent and costly threat is that of payment fraud.
If banks aren’t providing the tools, services, and information around payments that their clients need, treasury and finance professionals will look elsewhere for them. This webinar will show how to win back mindshare and strengthen your position as a trusted advisor with your clients by speaking to them regularly and authoritatively about payment security.
• Get the truth about the growing threat for corporate cash managers.
• Learn the 3-step prescription to securing your payment processes.
• Learn how to talk to your clients about the latest threats and protection strategies around payment security.
• Gain access to resources and opportunities to strengthen your place as a trusted advisor in the minds of your clients.

2024 Outlook Series

2024 Outlook Series

The 2024 Outlook series, within The Treasury Update Podcast, features interviews with treasury experts about their expectations, projections, and insights for the year ahead.