#181 – Treasury Review of 2021

#181 – Treasury Review of 2021

Host Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer, gives a treasury review of 2021. He discusses the implications of major activities and trends over the past year and looks ahead to what’s next in the coming year. Tune in to the conversation to find out more.

#180 – Treasury Career Development (Treasury Webinars)

#180 – Treasury Career Development (Treasury Webinars)

Host Craig Jeffery catches up with Ernie Humphrey, CEO of Treasury Webinars, on the importance of career development and brand management. They discuss the foundation of a successful job search, how to merge and build a personal and professional brand in today’s virtual environment, and how to create winning relationships in a changing world to make a positive impact. Listen in to this lively conversation to learn more.

52: What Is an IPO?

52: What Is an IPO?

What is an IPO? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, to discuss IPOs. They discuss what IPOs are and how they can impact treasury departments. Listen to learn a little bit about IPOs.

#178 – Becoming a Treasurer Series: Part 23 – Cash Boot Camp

#178 – Becoming a Treasurer Series: Part 23 – Cash Boot Camp

On this episode of the Becoming a Treasurer series, author Craig Jeffery continues a mix of interviews around his book, The Strategic Treasurer: A Partnership for Corporate Growth. The chapter of discussion, entitled “Cash Boot Camp for Treasurers,” provides a practical approach to understanding different perspectives of cash, how accounting and treasury can live in harmony, and more. Listen in to this insightful discussion.

51: What Is Scalability?

51: What Is Scalability?

What is scalability? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, to discuss scalability. Their conversation covers what scalability is, how we see it in treasury departments, and an example of how scalability can be applied. Listen in and learn a little bit about scalability.