Webinar: Achieving Global Cash Visibility | February 10

Webinar: Achieving Global Cash Visibility | February 10

Treasury is responsible for several crucial areas of finance including liquidity management. Managing liquidity requires clear visibility to all cash regardless of its location or currency (bank, country, currency, entity). This visibility can no longer be limited to a single point in time. Liquidity management has a time domain and is commonly addressed through the short-term cash forecast or liquidity forecast. From APIs to machine learning (ML), newer technologies are being deployed that help leading organizations achieve the global visibility their companies require. This session will look at the progress of firms in their quest to achieve global visibility for their position and forecast and will further examine how automation must be leveraged for these tasks for all but the simplest of organizations.

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: SCF & CCC Solutions | February 15

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: SCF & CCC Solutions | February 15

Optimizing working capital, driving up efficiency in the cash conversion cycle (CCC), and supporting vital suppliers are all important to many companies today – but they are also all difficult. However, several types of technology solutions can help further these goals, notably supply chain finance (SCF) solutions and those addressing various portions of the CCC. This webinar will cover the pain points these solutions address, the various SCF models, the navigation of supplier participation issues, the problem of competing KPIs within the CCC, and the use of working capital councils to improve these areas.

Webinar: 2022 Predictions and Trends

Webinar: 2022 Predictions and Trends

Join Kyriba’s Bob Stark and Strategic Treasurer’s Craig Jeffery as they discuss a range of ongoing trends and future predictions. What is happening with technology adoption (AI, ML, API, RPA)? How will compliance change in 2022 (payments, KYC)? What hot trends will slow and which will accelerate (real-time, technologies)? What are the drivers of these changes (macro economic, management, risk)? Polling questions will supplement the dialog and debate in order to capture the audience views in real-time.

Webinar: Treasury Perspectives: 2021 Survey Results | January 20

Webinar: Treasury Perspectives: 2021 Survey Results | January 20

Strategic Treasurer and TD Bank’s annual Treasury Perspectives Survey polled treasury and finance practitioners on their current perspectives, plans and strategies on a range of issues: economic and geopolitical outlook, credit use and availability, COVID-19 impact, operations and benchmarks, staffing, regulation, bank relationship management, technology and more. This webinar will cover the survey’s results and will discuss the primary implications of this data for organizations in 2022 and beyond.

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury Aggregators | January 18

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury Aggregators | January 18

Treasury departments require massive amounts of connectivity both to internal and external groups. As the company meets with changes and growth, these connectivity needs result in heightened complexity. From payment types and formats to compliance and fraud, this complexity can become overwhelming for treasury staff. This webinar will discuss how treasury aggregators (TA) address these pain points by supporting efficient and controlled operations even in the midst of complexity. Additional topics will include the role of a treasury aggregator within the larger treasury technology landscape, factors affecting the future of aggregation, and leading practices for successfully implementing a TA.