Consultants in Treasury

Advising individual clients. Informing the industry at large.

Guidance and Support with Strategic Treasurer

Are you struggling to stay on top of the work due to being thinly staffed? Most companies need help to get all of the work done. Outsource your daily headaches. We are here to help lift the burden that your team is facing.

Treasury Technology Implementation 101: Creating a Win-Win for Clients and Vendors

Webinar: 5 Steps to Modernize Your AR Processes

July 24 at 2pm EDT

Join us to explore five steps for transforming and optimizing your accounts receivable (AR) processes. This session is designed to support companies at any stage of AR transformation, offering practical guidance on transitioning to automated and streamlined centers of excellence. The webinar will discuss five different steps that can help your team improve efficiency and visibility across your AR processes.

0.6 CTP credits available.

#291 – Remote Is Dead: Hybrid Work Is the New Norm – 2024 Outlook Series with Mike Richards (The Treasury Recruitment Co)

#291 – Remote Is Dead: Hybrid Work Is the New Norm – 2024 Outlook Series with Mike Richards (The Treasury Recruitment Co)

In today’s episode of the 2024 Outlook Series, host Craig Jeffery is joined by Mike Richards to review and predict changes in the treasury recruiting space. Topics of discussion include job shifts post-COVID, recruiting with job boards, and the creation of your own AI bots.

The 2024 Outlook Series features interviews with treasury experts about their expectations, projections, and insights for the year ahead.

Treasury Fraud & Controls

2024 Generative AI in Treasury and Finance Survey Report

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the hottest topics for discussion of late. The growth of ChatGPT and Bard has increased treasury professionals’ level of familiarity and has spurred additional thoughts and actions. The 2024 Generative AI in Treasury and Finance survey captured the current AI use for treasury activity, as well as future plans.

Treasury Fraud & Controls

De-Risking Cash Management Technology Decisions eBook

While spreadsheets may suffice for the smallest companies, and sophisticated solutions are perfect for the very large, mid-sized companies often find themselves in an awkward in-between. This mini ebook addresses the challenges that these companies face in choosing technology that properly suits their needs. It walks the reader through identifying their organization’s unique complexity, discusses factors to consider in potential solutions, and offers practical guidance for the mid-sized company’s technology search.

Our mission is to elevate & enhance the practice of treasury by advising individual clients & informing the industry at large.

Advising Our Clients.

All of our consultants have practical, hands-on experience in corporate treasury environments, having held various senior management and leadership roles in numerous industries. Being able to pull on this experience, our consultants have the ability to understand that solutions and advice must be unique and contextualized to fit your organization’s specific situation. They can walk you through a customized process from beginning to end and answer any questions you have along the way.

Informing the Industry.

Informing the industry is an integral part of what drives our mission. In order for the industry to advance and stay ahead of the chaos of the environment, professionals need to be aware of the leading practices that can help stabilize their companies. We aim to fill this hole by creating our own primary market research. Using this, we are able to give relevant and up-to-date information in our webinars, reports, and visual guides. We can help you fill any gaps you might have in your company.

Global & Domestic Treasury

Financial Risk Management

Treasury Technology

Working Capital Optimization


Industry Surveys

Industry Benchmarks

Turn-Key Webinars


Analyst Reports

Temporary Treasury Staffing

Connectivity & Onboarding

FBAR Compliance Filing

Bank Fee Management

Leading Practices Benchmarking

Pricing Analysis

Bank Staff Training

Time to Revenue

Underwritten Industry Surveys

Leading Practices Benchmarking

Analyst Report Participation

Co-Branded Webinar Hosting

Co-Authored Content Creation

Underwritten Industry Surveys

Leading Practices Benchmarking

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Webinar: Payment Security Webinar Series: Principles of Payment Assessment | June 16

Webinar: Payment Security Webinar Series: Principles of Payment Assessment | June 16

A formal assessment of a company’s payment processes typically reveals 50-100% more payment processes than they believed they had. Every payment flow is a point of security exposure, and it is difficult to protect what you don’t know exists. This webinar will discuss the principles of a payment assessment, offering practical insights and leading practices for completing a thorough inventory, formally documenting it for institutional knowledge, assessing controls and types of payment flows, and examining your organization’s overall situation with regards to payments.

Webinar: Securing Your Receipts | June 20

Webinar: Securing Your Receipts | June 20

Securing inbound payments and outbound payments continues to be top of mind for many companies. The risks of fraud and data breaches are at elevated levels and continue to rise. In 2022, 65% of financial professionals reported they were victims of either attempted or actual fraud. Fraud considerations on the receivables side are too often ignored or minimized. Securing inbound payments is vital.

This session will explore how you can assess the security processes and standards for payments flowing in through your lockboxes (paper and electronic). What are the common issues that create problems? How can these issues be controlled or mitigated? New security standards are needed to provide reasonable care and control over your inbound payments.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:
-Top considerations to keep in mind when designing an inbound payment process and evaluating services.
-Security questions to know and answers that are required.

Webinar: Future of Treasury in the Digital Age | June 22

Webinar: Future of Treasury in the Digital Age | June 22

The digital age is here and is helping to remake business generally and treasury specifically. While the digital age is bringing us immense increases in data, nearly unlimited scale of computing power, faster expectations for business processes, and growth and power of networks and service-oriented functionalities, payment fraud continues to pose a threat. Although criminals are taking advantage of the digital age to defraud companies, the use of technology is a massive benefit to those who use it effectively. This webinar will discuss treasury’s situation and several imperatives: leveraging the technology for flexibility, insight, visibility, efficiency, and control, as well as the need to scale up defensive technology and tactics to combat fraud.