2020 Outlook Series

2020 Outlook Series

This series within The Treasury Update Podcast features interviews with treasury experts about their expectations, projections, and predictions for the year ahead.

#GoStrategic Series

#GoStrategic Series

A part of the Treasury Update Podcast, the #GoStrategic series covers a wide range of topics with a focus on how treasury organizations can go strategic. This includes freeing up the organization from operational activities in order to make more time for plans and activities that are considered strategic.

Coffee Break Sessions

As a part of The Treasury Update Podcast, Coffee Break is 6-12 minute bitesize episodes covering foundational topics and core treasury issues in about the same amount of time it takes you to drink your coffee. The show episodes are released every first and third Thursday with Special Host and Treasury Consultant Alexa Cook of Strategic Treasurer.

TMS Toolkit Series

Your organization is past due for a treasury management system overhaul, but one question remains: are you prepared to take on a technology remodel that affects company operations and global commerce everyday? Before tackling this critical business renovation, be sure the tools you need are at your fingertips.

#60 – How to Get Stuff Done: Networking, Noise, Niceties & Nurturing Your Career

#60 – How to Get Stuff Done: Networking, Noise, Niceties & Nurturing Your Career

This episode details the journey of a busy treasurer juggling career navigation, skill-set maintenance, goal achievement, professional development, work/life balance and more. How does one person handle all these tasks (along with many others!), while also moving up the financial practitioner maturity model? For answers and advice, tune in to hear Lee-Ann Perkins, Assistant Treasurer at ION Geophysical, share her inspiring story and useful insights with Craig Jeffery, our podcast host and company founder. As they explore a variety of methodical and meaningful approaches to making every moment count—both in the office AND at home—be sure to follow along and learn how to better position yourself for success and fulfillment in the years to come.