Treasury Fraud & Controls, Part 2: Payoff Size of Fraud Points Explains Continued Escalation of Attacks

Treasury Fraud & Controls, Part 2: Payoff Size of Fraud Points Explains Continued Escalation of Attacks

In the final quarter of 2018, the average payoff amount for retrieving files encrypted in ransomware attacks was holding steady around $10,000. Early in 2019, the number began to rise, and only six months later it had quadrupled at $40,000. In 2019’s final quarter, the average amount was $84,116, and as if to warn that this number wasn’t going to drop anytime soon, the month of December saw the average rise to an unprecedented and shocking $190,000.

Treasury Fraud & Controls, Part 2: Payoff Size of Fraud Points Explains Continued Escalation of Attacks

Treasury Fraud & Controls, Part 1: Increased Success Rates and Sophistication Raise Threat Level

Much as we all wish they would, cyber criminals are not sitting on their hands. While these groups and individuals are anything but admirable, we could stand to learn a few things from them in terms of creative innovation, adaptability, persistence, and patient commitment to goals. Our posture, while defensive, must be no less active and intentional than theirs, or we will inevitably fall behind and leave our organizations open to attack.

What Does It Mean to #GoStrategic?

What Does It Mean to #GoStrategic?

This new year, Strategic Treasurer is challenging everyone – itself as well as others – to “go strategic,” but the phrase is more than a clever play on the company name. So, what do we mean by it?

Webinar: Becoming “Undisruptable”: Innovative Technologies to Regain Control of Accounts Receivable Processing

Webinar: Becoming “Undisruptable”: Innovative Technologies to Regain Control of Accounts Receivable Processing

Join Deluxe Corporation’s Managing Director Dave Robertson and Accredited ACH Professional Beth Bourgoin and Strategic Treasurer’s Craig Jeffery for a webinar that will discuss how Artificial Intelligence and other innovative new technologies are helping forward-thinking corporations regain control of their AR processes and protect their day-to-day operations by making them “undisruptable.”

CTP Credits – Treasury Update Podcast

To better support the industry’s professional development, Strategic Treasurer offers 0.6 CTP credits for select podcasts when an accompanying 5-question quiz is taken and passed. Episodes with available credits are located on this page, and the quiz link is in each episode post.