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You’ve read our analyst reports, attended our webinars, and listened to our podcasts, but have you ever seen our e-books? We’re offering yet another resource to keep you informed.
Download today for in-depth coverage on these timely topics in treasury.

#43 – Bank Fee Management

#43 – Bank Fee Management

Does managing bank fees seem like a daunting endeavor? Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner Craig Jeffery sits down with Senior Treasury Consultant Stephanie Villatoro to discuss the necessity of regular management review, the importance of fee differentiation, and the value of market awareness on both an international and domestic level. Listen in to find out how to maintain proper bank fee oversight.

Reducing the Pain of Payments eBook – GTreasury

Reducing the Pain of Payments eBook – GTreasury

This eBook provides an extended look into the primary challenges associated with treasury’s B2B payment operations, including what is causing these challenges and how they are evolving over time. This resource also offers insight to the leading solutions and techniques available today for overcoming these challenges and maximizing efficiency across B2B payments workflows and procedures.