Webinar: B2B Payments: 2021 Survey Results

Webinar: B2B Payments: 2021 Survey Results

In the ever-changing world of corporate finance, core responsibilities like payments and cash management must continually adapt to keep pace with developing initiatives, regulations, and threats. There is always a need to learn what treasury and payment professionals are planning to do. This year’s B2B Payments Survey sought to do just that. We asked questions regarding payment complexity, challenges, security, and unique tactics employed by organizations looking to optimize payments processes and maximize efficiency. This session will share high-level highlights from the survey and what banks and corporations are doing for their leading practices, priorities and spend plans.

#161 – Becoming a Treasurer Series: Part 22 – Communication: Mars and Venus

#161 – Becoming a Treasurer Series: Part 22 – Communication: Mars and Venus

How can you minimize the communication conflict between treasurers and controllers? On this episode of the Becoming a Treasurer series, Author Craig Jeffery continues a mix of interviews around his book, The Strategic Treasurer: A Partnership for Corporate Growth. The chapter of discussion, “Communication: Mars and Venus,” explores the variety of ways the treasurer and controller see things differently. The reasons behind these differences are described and discussed, allowing for understanding between these two crucial financial players. Listen in to the discussion to find out more.

Webinar: Payment Security Services in Context: Stacking Your Defensive Line

Webinar: Payment Security Services in Context: Stacking Your Defensive Line

With rising fraud rates and new threats cropping up for digital payments, treasurers are seeking to decrease the risk of fraud and strengthen their defenses. While there are a number of ways individual companies can batten down their own security hatches, there are also ways networks as a whole can build a robust defense. This webinar will discuss how networks and participants can join forces to protect digital payments and combat fraud.