Webinar: Analyst Report Series: SCF & CCC Solutions

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: SCF & CCC Solutions

The cash conversion cycle (CCC) and working capital management often come with a variety of pain points for treasury. In this webinar, we discuss several types of solutions that address these pain points, notably supply chain finance (SCF) solutions and those addressing various portions of the CCC. We will discuss the relevance of these solutions in business continuity planning and times of disruption and volatility, the various SCF models, the navigation of supplier participation issues, the problem of competing KPIs within the CCC, and the use of working capital councils to improve these areas and implement solutions.

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury & Risk Management Systems

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury & Risk Management Systems

Treasury management systems (TMS) are a vital part of many treasury departments’ technology stacks. In this webinar, we give a comprehensive overview of the current TMS space, showing the place of a TMS in addressing the pain points of modern treasury departments, in business continuity planning and work-from-home environments, and its uses in preparing for and managing disruption and volatility. It will cover the uses of emerging technology in TMS offerings and will discuss leading practices and proper mindsets for avoiding pitfalls in making a business case, selecting, and implementing treasury technology.