Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury & Risk Management Systems

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury & Risk Management Systems

Treasury management systems (TMS) are a vital part of many treasury departments’ technology stacks. In this webinar, we give a comprehensive overview of the current TMS space, showing the place of a TMS in addressing the pain points of modern treasury departments, in business continuity planning and work-from-home environments, and its uses in preparing for and managing disruption and volatility. It will cover the uses of emerging technology in TMS offerings and will discuss leading practices and proper mindsets for avoiding pitfalls in making a business case, selecting, and implementing treasury technology.

Making the Move eBook – ION Treasury

Making the Move eBook – ION Treasury

As technology continues to democratize, many firms currently using Excel may discover that, for the first time, they now have a better option than to limp along with inefficient, error-prone manual processes. This eBook walks firms through the new calculus of deciding when it’s time to make the switch from Excel to a TMS and offers guidance on preparing for the transition and gathering support when the time comes.

#58 – 2019 Global Payments Survey Key Findings

#58 – 2019 Global Payments Survey Key Findings

Companies are feeling the pressure to adapt to new payment requirements and achieve results. Host Craig Jeffery sits down with Bob Stark, VP of Strategy at Kyriba, to discuss key findings from their 2019 Global Payments Survey. This research provides a comprehensive view of the global payments environment—with a focus on the treasury function—and identifies the technologies and processes that are top-of-mind now and will continue to be important in the coming years. Listen in to find out more.

#55 – Examining Data – Seismic Shifts in Corporate Treasury Series

#55 – Examining Data – Seismic Shifts in Corporate Treasury Series

This new episode of the Treasury Update Podcast is part of our exciting Seismic Shifts in Corporate Treasury series. From technology and payments innovations to compliance and operational shifts, major changes are occurring in today’s industry, with some already making formative impacts and others still in the “tremor” stage, signaling future hits. Listen in as Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, reveals insights into how regular data, tagged data and big data are major contributors to these seismic events creating tectonic transitions and deep-seated shock waves throughout the treasury industry.