#189 – 2022 Outlook Series: Global Technology & Operations (Microsoft)

#189 – 2022 Outlook Series: Global Technology & Operations (Microsoft)

On this episode of the 2022 Outlook series, Host Craig Jeffery joins Christina Easton, Director of Treasury Operations at Microsoft, to explore the global outlook on technology and operations. This dynamic discussion covers a wide range of topics including achieving leadership with global cash management, trade finance activities, the modernization of technology, and more. Listen in to this lively conversation about their expectations and insights for the year ahead.

56: What Is the Cash Conversion Cycle?

56: What Is the Cash Conversion Cycle?

What is the cash conversion cycle? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, to discuss the cash conversion cycle. They discuss what the cash conversion cycle is and how it can be leveraged. Listen in and learn a little bit about the cash conversion cycle.

#188 – 2022 Outlook Series: Challenges Acquiring and Keeping Treasury Leadership (Raines International)

#188 – 2022 Outlook Series: Challenges Acquiring and Keeping Treasury Leadership (Raines International)

On this episode of the 2022 Outlook series, Host Craig Jeffery sits down with Allen Geller, Managing Director of Raines International, to discuss the global outlook on treasury talent. They discuss the challenges acquiring and keeping treasury leaders, market shifts with a view to staffing, hiring, and retention, and more. Listen in to this dynamic conversation to gain valuable insights on treasury talent for the year ahead.

#187 – Open Banking APIs Enhance Analysis Through Machine Learning-Powered Search (Trovata)

#187 – Open Banking APIs Enhance Analysis Through Machine Learning-Powered Search (Trovata)

Host Craig Jeffery sits down with Joseph Drambarean, Chief Technology Officer at Trovata, to discuss how open banking APIs enhance financial analysis through machine learning-powered search. They share valuable insights on how your organization can break free from the grid by reducing manual workflows through automated data aggregation, so you can focus on strategic analysis that drives value for your business.

55: What Is Blockchain?

55: What Is Blockchain?

What is blockchain? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, to discuss this emerging technology. They discuss what blockchain is and how treasury can utilize it. Listen in and learn a little bit about blockchain.

#186 – Insured Deposit Accounts: Interest Rate Changes and Security (Landing Rock Cash Management)

#186 – Insured Deposit Accounts: Interest Rate Changes and Security (Landing Rock Cash Management)

On this episode of the podcast, Host Craig Jeffery continues a conversation with Bruce Bent II, CEO and President of Landing Rock Cash Management, on insured deposit accounts with a focus on interest rate changes and security. They explore the differences between holding a certificate of deposit (CD) and having an individual deposit account, how to navigate investment decisions between products, and what you must consider with short-term investment on security and compliance. Listen in to the discussion to find out more.