Webinar: 2023 Treasury Tech Survey Results | September 6

Webinar: 2023 Treasury Tech Survey Results | September 6

This webinar will discuss the results of the 2023 Treasury Technology Survey. This survey gathered detailed data on practitioner’s use, plans, perspectives, and experiences with treasury management systems and other forms of treasury technology. Results showed what is important to treasury practitioners in their technology, which technology types are rapidly becoming standard and which are holding steady, and what treasury departments are looking for in technology partners. In the midst of a rapidly changing environment, these findings indicate the current trends and adoption rates, helping treasury make strategic decisions.

#262 – Learning from Financial Fraud Series Episode 2: Understanding the Satyam Scandal and Its Consequences

#262 – Learning from Financial Fraud Series Episode 2: Understanding the Satyam Scandal and Its Consequences

The Satyam scandal sent shockwaves through the industry, revealing a web of deceit within the renowned Indian IT services company that ultimately led to its collapse in 2009. By understanding the details shared in this case study, you will be better equipped in your role to safeguard your business against similar fraudulent practices. Listen in as Jason Campbell and Craig Jeffery discuss key takeaways from this scandal.

#260 – Learning from Financial Fraud Series Episode 1: Unveiling the Parmalat Fraud Scandal and Bankruptcy

#260 – Learning from Financial Fraud Series Episode 1: Unveiling the Parmalat Fraud Scandal and Bankruptcy

Welcome to the Learning from Financial Fraud Series, where we will explore multiple major financial frauds and thefts to see how each one occurred, was kept hidden, and was eventually discovered. Today we are exploring one of the largest financial scandals in Italian history, the Parmalat fraud case. This scandal led to the Italian dairy and food company’s 2003 bankruptcy. Discover how the fraud occurred, its impact, and learn preventive measures. Join Jason Campbell and Craig Jeffery as they discuss some of the key points behind this significant corporate fraud.

#259 – Treasury Perspectives Survey Results: Are You Nervous or Excited About Technology Developments? (TD Bank)

#259 – Treasury Perspectives Survey Results: Are You Nervous or Excited About Technology Developments? (TD Bank)

In this episode, Craig Jeffery and Michael Gordon discuss key insights that emerged from the fifth consecutive Treasury Perspectives Survey. This annual survey is a collaborative effort between Strategic Treasurer and TD Bank. Listen in as they discuss the excitement surrounding technology developments, the top payment concerns, and what these findings mean for you as a treasury professional.

To explore the full survey report, download it here: Treasury Perspectives Survey 2023.

Webinar: Future of Treasury in the Digital Age | June 22

Webinar: Future of Treasury in the Digital Age | June 22

The digital age is here and is helping to remake business generally and treasury specifically. While the digital age is bringing us immense increases in data, nearly unlimited scale of computing power, faster expectations for business processes, and growth and power of networks and service-oriented functionalities, payment fraud continues to pose a threat. Although criminals are taking advantage of the digital age to defraud companies, the use of technology is a massive benefit to those who use it effectively. This webinar will discuss treasury’s situation and several imperatives: leveraging the technology for flexibility, insight, visibility, efficiency, and control, as well as the need to scale up defensive technology and tactics to combat fraud.