Webinar: B2B Payments: 2020 Survey Results
Join Strategic Treasurer and Bottomline Technologies as we cover insights from the 2020 B2B Payments survey on the challenges experienced by practitioners and sheds light on the unique solutions and tactics employed to optimize the B2B payment process.

Webinar: Treasury Perspectives: 2020 Survey Results
Join Strategic Treasurer and TD Bank as we discuss the primary implications of the 2020 Treasury Perspectives data for organizations heading in 2020 and beyond, and elaborate on how shifting economic, technology, and regulatory landscapes will impact treasury groups.

Webinar: Making Payments: Moving Virtual for Flexibility
Join Craig Jeffery of Strategic Treasurer and Tad Fordyce of Comdata for a webinar on how virtualization functionally works to streamline the payments process, allowing your finance group to scale and adapt in a highly flexible manner.

Webinar: Modernizing AP/AR Processing: 2020 Survey Results
Join Craig Jeffery of Strategic Treasurer and Dave Robertson of Deluxe as they share insights from the recent 2020 Modernizing AP/AR Processes Survey. The survey examined various practices and plans, the influence of recent disruptions, and pain points and other drivers for modernizing and automating AP and AR processes.