by Elizabeth Jeffery | Jul 5, 2018 | Treasury Update Newsletter
Treasurers must constantly be aware of any issues that might disrupt their cash flows, while also identifying opportunities that could enhance liquidity. As part of these responsibilities, the financial supply chain takes on great importance.
by Strategic Treasurer | Apr 6, 2018 | Survey Results Articles, Treasury Update Newsletter
Results from a recent survey conducted by TD Bank and Strategic Treasurer have shed light on exactly how treasurers are viewing today’s financial technology landscape, and pinpoints where their investment and focus will be directed in the years to come.
by Strategic Treasurer | Jan 5, 2018 | Treasury Update Newsletter
The age of autonomous robots has not yet arrived. The age of the tech-savvy treasurer, however, is right around the corner.
by Strategic Treasurer | Oct 6, 2017 | Stories In Treasury, Treasury Update Newsletter
When looking at the level of investment that has been poured into the technology within the past several years, and at the advantages it offers, it is clear to anyone paying attention that blockchain is here to stay. Ripple, a major industry disruptor, stands out stands out from the crowd.
by Strategic Treasurer | Jul 7, 2017 | Stories In Treasury, Treasury Update Newsletter
Cash forecasting is a vital, core functionality for treasury operations. While Excel may work at a company’s inception for tracking the number of transactions, the increase that comes with growth can lead to problems down the line.