Webinar: Treasury Technology Implementation 101: Creating a Win-Win for Clients and Vendors | June 15
Congratulations, you have done your hard work to gather resources, line up your teams, plan your budget, complete your RFP process and select the perfect fit solution for your company. But then technology implementation turns out to be the best example of Murphy’s Law: There’s more customization than you thought. Original timelines aren’t being met. Insufficient budget. Staff just doesn’t have enough time. IT got pulled in a different direction. The project manager isn’t managing. Not enough resources. And once the implementation is done, how do clients and vendors measure their satisfaction with the performance of the solution?
Join Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner at Strategic Treasurer, and Juan Saudino, VP of Professional Services at HighRadius, as they discuss leading practices in the treasury technology implementation process and how to get the most out of it.
Key Takeaways:
1. How to approach the implementation with a mindset of achieving the maximum value within the shortest timeline by prioritizing activities and leveraging accelerators.
2. Understanding the importance of executive buy-in during the design process when it comes to aligning value with effort.
3. How to ensure good communication between vendors and clients post-implementation.