Webinar: 2022 Treasury Fraud & Controls Survey Results | March 22

Webinar: 2022 Treasury Fraud & Controls Survey Results | March 22

The 2022 Treasury Fraud and Controls Survey recently closed, with respondents providing valuable data on multiple elements impacting fraud and security. Practitioners were polled on their experiences with fraud in the past year and on the range of controls, safeguards, and security practices employed to protect their financial assets and information. This webinar will highlight and discuss some of the key findings from this year’s research.

#187 – Open Banking APIs Enhance Analysis Through Machine Learning-Powered Search (Trovata)

#187 – Open Banking APIs Enhance Analysis Through Machine Learning-Powered Search (Trovata)

Host Craig Jeffery sits down with Joseph Drambarean, Chief Technology Officer at Trovata, to discuss how open banking APIs enhance financial analysis through machine learning-powered search. They share valuable insights on how your organization can break free from the grid by reducing manual workflows through automated data aggregation, so you can focus on strategic analysis that drives value for your business.

55: What Is Blockchain?

55: What Is Blockchain?

What is blockchain? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, to discuss this emerging technology. They discuss what blockchain is and how treasury can utilize it. Listen in and learn a little bit about blockchain.

Webinar: Treasury Automation

Webinar: Treasury Automation

Within our increasingly digital world, the volume of bank data continues to grow exponentially. To gain critical visibility into your cash flow and to position your organization for growth, it’s becoming imperative to establish a baseline of automation for your treasury department. In this session with Tracey Knight, the VP of Client Success at Trovata, discover how you can empower your team to perform more strategic analysis that propels your business forward while increasing both visibility into your cash flow and team satisfaction and retention through innovative automation technologies.

#186 – Insured Deposit Accounts: Interest Rate Changes and Security (Landing Rock Cash Management)

#186 – Insured Deposit Accounts: Interest Rate Changes and Security (Landing Rock Cash Management)

On this episode of the podcast, Host Craig Jeffery continues a conversation with Bruce Bent II, CEO and President of Landing Rock Cash Management, on insured deposit accounts with a focus on interest rate changes and security. They explore the differences between holding a certificate of deposit (CD) and having an individual deposit account, how to navigate investment decisions between products, and what you must consider with short-term investment on security and compliance. Listen in to the discussion to find out more.