Webinar: Treasury Perspectives: 2021 Survey Results | January 20

Webinar: Treasury Perspectives: 2021 Survey Results | January 20

Strategic Treasurer and TD Bank’s annual Treasury Perspectives Survey polled treasury and finance practitioners on their current perspectives, plans and strategies on a range of issues: economic and geopolitical outlook, credit use and availability, COVID-19 impact, operations and benchmarks, staffing, regulation, bank relationship management, technology and more. This webinar will cover the survey’s results and will discuss the primary implications of this data for organizations in 2022 and beyond.

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury Aggregators | January 18

Webinar: Analyst Report Series: Treasury Aggregators | January 18

Treasury departments require massive amounts of connectivity both to internal and external groups. As the company meets with changes and growth, these connectivity needs result in heightened complexity. From payment types and formats to compliance and fraud, this complexity can become overwhelming for treasury staff. This webinar will discuss how treasury aggregators (TA) address these pain points by supporting efficient and controlled operations even in the midst of complexity. Additional topics will include the role of a treasury aggregator within the larger treasury technology landscape, factors affecting the future of aggregation, and leading practices for successfully implementing a TA.

#178 – Becoming a Treasurer Series: Part 23 – Cash Boot Camp

#178 – Becoming a Treasurer Series: Part 23 – Cash Boot Camp

On this episode of the Becoming a Treasurer series, author Craig Jeffery continues a mix of interviews around his book, The Strategic Treasurer: A Partnership for Corporate Growth. The chapter of discussion, entitled “Cash Boot Camp for Treasurers,” provides a practical approach to understanding different perspectives of cash, how accounting and treasury can live in harmony, and more. Listen in to this insightful discussion.

51: What Is Scalability?

51: What Is Scalability?

What is scalability? Coffee Break Session Host Alexa Cook catches up with Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, to discuss scalability. Their conversation covers what scalability is, how we see it in treasury departments, and an example of how scalability can be applied. Listen in and learn a little bit about scalability.