Webinar: 2022 Modernizing Accounts Receivable Processing Survey Results | September 20
This webinar discusses the accounts receivable (AR) results from the 2022 Modernizing AP & AR Processing Survey. The AR track of this survey explored the practices and plans of AR professionals, pain points, areas of increasing value and investment, and more. From reasons to move providers to challenges in achieving AR process modernization, the results covered in this webinar shed light on the current environment, the rates of change, and the ways your peers are responding to disruption and corporate goals.

#209 – The Power of Networks (Deluxe)
Where is there value in networks? How do you optimize your use of networks? On today’s podcast, Craig Jeffery is joined by Chris Clausen from Deluxe Corporation for a conversation on the power of networks with a focus on accounts payable and accounts receivable.

2022 Modernizing AP/AR Processing Survey
Survey Results Modernizing AP/AR Processing This survey, underwritten by Deluxe, looked at various practices and plans for modernizing and automating AP and AR processes. The influence of recent disruptions, calibration of various pain points that drive change, and...
#201 – Understanding Plans, Pains, and Spend: Non-Banking Financial Institutions
Seeking to understand the priorities, plans, and activities that financial institutions are focused on? On today’s podcast, host Craig Jeffery is joined by Steve Bullock, Vice President of Insurance and Financial Services at Kyriba, to discuss results from the 2022 Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) Survey. Topics of discussion center around technology, plans to spend, pain points, and more.