by Elizabeth Jeffery | Dec 28, 2020 | Replays, Webinars
Organizations and finance staff must improve consistently in order to stay competitive, and competitiveness almost always requiring leveraging technology. In this panel discussion, the conversation focuses on the most promising technologies that are in play now and are seeing increasing adoption in finance. How should organizations move forward with technology (staying current, learning, piloting, expanding), and how should a finance professional respond personally to the opportunity and risk of disruptive technology? Which technologies will eat another’s lunch? What is driving the focus on forecasting? What is actually current in data analytics?
by Elizabeth Jeffery | Dec 16, 2020 | Replays, Survey Results Articles, Webinars
Treasury management systems (TMS) are a vital part of many treasury departments’ technology stacks. In this webinar, we give a comprehensive overview of the current TMS space, showing the place of a TMS in addressing the pain points of modern treasury departments, in business continuity planning and work-from-home environments, and its uses in preparing for and managing disruption and volatility. It will cover the uses of emerging technology in TMS offerings and will discuss leading practices and proper mindsets for avoiding pitfalls in making a business case, selecting, and implementing treasury technology.
by Elizabeth Jeffery | Dec 10, 2018 | Podcast
Discussing the concepts of robotic process automation and machine learning is fun. The reality of the use of robotics can sometimes seem distant. When those concepts are applied to real-life treasury situations, it becomes more intellectually exciting and practical.
by Elizabeth Jeffery | Dec 3, 2018 | Podcast
On this episode, Craig Jeffery, the Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer discusses treasury transformation with Jon Burkhead, the Senior Director of Global Treasury at OpenText.
by Elizabeth Jeffery | Nov 27, 2018 | Podcast
On this episode, Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, and TD Bank’s Head of Corporate Products and Services, Rick Burke, discuss the convergence of changes taking place in developing technology and its applications for treasury.